Page 20 - Annual Report 2022 / 2023
P. 20

    Looking Forward
    As we look forward to the next chapter of hub South West we continue to see our long term partnership model as the ideal strategic fit for achieving the requirements of public sector infrastructure development.
Our core focus on delivering high quality projects whilst building the regional economy though our decade long partnerships, build programmes,
hub clubs and dedicated team to deliver on this, places us very well to achieve these outputs for our participants.
We are particularly excited about our joined-up programme approach of skills development and economic initiatives in our regional economies that we have worked hard with anchor institutions and local authority participants, education and economic teams to achieve.
New Primary School and Early Years Centre for Montgomerie Park Area, Irvine North Ayrshire Council
This joined up approach is already making an impact on the regional skills landscape and our long-term partnership model.
The marketplace continues to be a challenge. Through our forums, we have identified a significant shift in the output and availability of supply chain
and a growing skills gap not only in front line job
roles but also office digital roles, and we have led by example in our efforts to address this. More complex sustainability requirements, market volatility and post Brexit labour shortages all mean that a long term approach, vested in continuous improvement is the best model to help our participants develop and deliver their projects.
We will continue to invest in our team in the
coming year. Our development management and construction management teams have specialist knowledge built up over the past decade that supports our participants in their project delivery and are a huge asset to the company.
Collaboration between the five hub co companies has never been stronger and we meet regularly to share innovation and best practice. The combined hub cos are involved in over £5 billion of projects across Scotland. This ability to come together and share knowledge at this scale is unrivalled and goes to highlight the benefits of the hub programme.
We see our strategic support offering as a hugely valuable tool for our participants. We have access to a wide range of skilled design teams, consultants and cost consultants that have demonstrated the
   Strategic Outlook
Public Sector Development Partner of Choice

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